Quiero decirles mi testimonio de como Dios ha obrado en mi corazon. Aqui esta...
Hace 18 años que yo nací en Washington.. Cuando tuve 4 años, mi familia mudó a Colorado. También yo nacíen una casa cristiana. Pero, cuando tuve 7 años, mi Papá salió con una mujer extranjera. Como puedes inferir, eso hizo mucho daño a mi familia y causó mucho dolor. No sabía como sentir, fue muy inesperado. Me sentí abandonada y rechazada. Continué viviendo. Cuando empece la escuela ecundaria, yo comencé pasando un rato largo con mala gente, yo dejé de asistir a la iglesia y dije que no quiero nada de eso y no quiero identificarme con Diós o la iglesia. Yo escuché y miré películas y música bien sucias y malas. Empecé y actualmente fui drogadicta a las drogas de prescripcion. Estaba viviendo una vida destructiva, en el camino que fue en dirrecion al infierno. Pues, yo tuve una noche libre y decidí ir a mi grupo de ovenes en la iglesia, para visitar con mis viejos amigos. Yo aprendí de un retiro que pasará en unas semanas, y decidí que yo quise ir. Ahorré el dinero y yo fui. Este campo se llamaba "Adorale", o "Adore". Por el primer parte yo tuve muchos problemas con conectarme con la prescencia de Diós como los otros que estaban a mi alrededor. Pues, el pastor predicó sobre... como a veces hacemos un "diós" que hace lo que queremos, que queda bien en nuestras vidas. Yo nunca jamas he sentido tanta convición en mi entera vida. Yo me postré ante Diós y empecé llorando y llorado. El pastor llamó como un "alter-call" por ellos que querian hacer todo bien con Diós, volver, y aceptarle al Señor Jesucristo como su Señor y Salvador. Pues, una batalla pasó en mi mente, pero de repente yo oí una voz mas fuerte que todos los otros (creo que fue el Espiritu Santo) y me dijo, "Kasey, yo te amo. Regrese a hogar. Te quiero. Te perdono." Entonces, yo fui y dediqué mi vida a Jesus. Desde este momento, yo nunca he sido lo mismo. NUNCA! Una transformacion completa ocurrió en mi corazon en esa noche. Dios me liberó de las drogas y mis relaciones malas. Yo era diferente, y tengo un fuego ardiente que nunca saldrá, una pasión por Diós tan inmenso y tan poderoso. Me dio paz y amor. Soy una hija de Dios, El es lo mas increible.
Pues, en el verano de ese año, yo aprendí de que mi papá tuvo cáncer. No sabía como sentir y no pague attencion a la situacion. Pues, en el enero del próximo año, alguien nos llamó y nos dijo que la enfermedad fue muy grave y mi papa podía morir en cualquier momento. Entonces, tomemos una decision rapido y fuimos a Tejas, dónde estaba viviendo... el próximo día. Antes de ese día, yo no tuve sentimientos.. pero en este momento, yo era muy emocional. Entonces, lo visitamos y el pidió perdón. Nos dijo que terrible sintió para que lo hizo ocho años anteriormente. El fue humillado y sencillo. Salimos y fue superbien tener ese cerrado final. Unos 4 meses después, él se murió. Fue mas dificil que jamas pensaba porque por 4 meses yo tuve un papa y cuando el se murió...mi esperanza de tener un padre murió tambien. Dios todavia me esta enseñando que el es mi Padre Celestial y sus caracteristicas y que nunca me dejará y cuan grande es su amor.
Pues. En el verano de ese año, yo fui en un viaje misionero a México. Fue increíble, y transformó mi vida por siempre. Yo sentí la llama de Diós en una palapa dónde Diós vino en toda su gloria y prescencia. El me dijo, "Hija preciosa, este es dónde te he llamado. Este es tu hogar, dónde la gente te necesita. Vas a ver vidas transformadas." Entonces, aquí estoy ahora. Mi orazón arde por Diós y las naciones latinoamericanas. Yo amo a Diós con todo mi corazón y vivo cada día por su reino. Hace casi 6 meses que me dio una visión de que me quiere hacer en México. Me dijo, "Quiero que abras como una "Casa Hogar" en Mexico para muchachas quien han sido abusadas, violadas y ultimamente abandonadas. Tu vas a ser la persona que les muestra amor cuando todo que conocen es odío. Tu vas a ser la persona que les cuenta de Jesus y lo que hizo para ellas. Y tu vas a mostrarles que hay esperanza y que tengo un proposito para sus vidas y que les Amo. Rescata a una generacion." La razon de mi existencia es eso:
1. Alabar a Dios y entregarle a El mi corazon cada día.
2. Conocer a Jesus con intimidad.
3. Predicar el evangelio de Jesus en toda la tierra, especialmente en Mexico y Latinoamerica. Para ver la justicia de Dios en el mundo. Ver las almas transformadas por el poder de Dios. El mundo necesita saber.
Este es mi testimonio de como Dios me ayudó a vencer. Cual es tu historia? Y si no tienes una historia...quiero invitarte a una vida increible, es la vida Cristiana, es la vida que Dios tiene para ti. Si no conoces a Jesucristo como su Señor y Salvador, quiero invitarle a usted que le aceptas en su vida y El vendrá a vivir dentro de su corazón. El te transformará como hizo a mi. El te dará gozo y un amor indescrutible que no tiene limites. NO digo que la vida seró perfecta o sin problema, solo digo que cuando tienes Jesucristo en su corazón, El te guiará y tienes el Dios del universo que te puede ayudar y tomarte por la mano y caminar contigo. Te puede liberar de pecado. El murió en una cruz para salvarte, y resucitó 3 dias despues y ahora esta sentado en su trono en los Cielos. Cuando mueres puedes estar con el, o puedes estar separado de su Presencia en el infierno. Cual decides y donde quieres pasar la eternidad? Si usted dice hoy "Quiero tener una relacion personal con Jesucristo" por favor diga en voz alta est oración de lo mas profundo de su corazon:
"Señor Jesus. Te amo. Creo en ti. Creo que eres el Hijo de Dios. Creo que moriste y sifriste en una cruz por salvarme, porque me amas. Yo me arrepiento de todo pecado. Perdoname Señor. Te necesito y te amo. Guíame mis pasos y llename con su amor. Creo en ti y Te acepto como mi Señor y Salvador. Transformame. Me entrego a Ti. Amen."
Si usted oró esta oración, es la mejor decision que jamas puedas tomar. Ahora Dios vive en ti. Pidele y El te llenará de su Espirita que te da las fuerzas y el poder de vencer y para vivir. Dios te ama. Adorale.El es tu Salvador y te ha perdonado, y ahora puedes pasar la eternidad con Jesus en el cielo. Hay unas cosas que recomiendo que hagan:
1. Busca a una iglesia local y empiece a asistir. Encuentra a una persona que te puede ayudar y discipular el el camino que ahora estas tomando.
2. Orar. Habla a Dios. El te oye..en cualquier momento que le necesitas, hablale, El te esta esperando.
3. Lea la Biblia. Es la Palabra de Dios. Es como El nos habla. Puede transformar tu vida y tu mente. Leala, aprende sobre Dios...y empiece a conocer a Dios personalmente.
Dejame saber que decidiste. Quiero saber sus historias. Dios le bendiga mucho y les amo con todo mi corazon. =)
El Rescate
Posted by Kasey at 11:50 PM 1 comments
Thursday Thirteen~ 2nd Edition
My 13 Favorite Pastimes
1. God Time: I treasure my God time. Its my favorite part of the day! I get to be alone with Jesus my lover. Worship. Prayer. Journaling. Reading. And just sitting in the silence waiting for Him to speak and being alone, just me and Him.
2. Church: Outside of God Time, I love the community aspect of being a Christian. I go to an amzing church called New Life! Its my second home and family. _tag, theMill, Spanish Church, and sunday services keep me connected and filled up. I also lead a group for high school group which starts in 2 weeks!!!! I love worship and listening to messages there!
3. Talking To My Friends: I love my friends. Apart from God and my family, they are the most important people in my life! My best friend, Aly, is someone I talk to daily and I love our conversations! I learn so much from her and we keep each other in line. My main form of communication is text messaging, a typical month is about 8000-9000 texts. I love my one on one time with Aly too, coffee with her! We can sit and talk for hours!
4. Reading: Call me a nerd, but I love reading! It is one of my goals to always be reading a book, and I have definitely not had trouble with that one. I love learning! I love the excitement of reading and engaging in study. I write in all my books so I can get the main points and ideas that stick out. Right now I'm reding "Run Baby Run" by Nicky Cruz. Its incredible and a captivating story that everyone should read! Theyre making a major motion picture of it and I cant wait! I love reading!
5. Studying Spanish: I love the spanish language more than anything! Its my heart and a huge part of who I am. I learned it in high school and am continuing to study it to increase in fluency and knowledge. Its the most beautiful language there is! I go to a spanish church and the people there are my hispana family! I love them so much! They are a group of really incredible people who love me a lot and I love them a lot!
6. Facebook: its an addiction for me. I could spend hours on facebook. Talking to people, using bumper sticker and my new favorite...pieces of flair! Its a time sucker, but I love it!
7. Eating: This is a bit of an odd one. But...I love food! (and not afraid to admit it!) Its amazing! I'm not fat, and I eat a lot! I enjoy lots of types of food and am constantly grazing and putting things in my mouth. Bad habit! BUt I cant help it...it calls my name.
8. Watching Movies: I'm a sucker for a good movie. I love chick flicks! I am highly entertained by watching them, but have to be careful to guard my heart from evil. But I do love movies. Accompanied by a pint of Ben and Jerry's- Cake Batter ice cream...its the perfect combo.
9. Listening to Music: I love listening to music. I love all kinds of music except rap and heavy metal. I especially like worship, country, and latin music. I have Sid, my Zune, in my ears basically whenever I can! aka...not at work or school or church service. I play the guitar and love sitting there with him, just worshipping, me the guitar and God.
10. Outdoor Activities: I'm a Colorado girl all the way! I love hiking!!! (especially the incline!) I love swimming! I love going on runs with my doggie! And I'm pretty excited to start camping again! I'm going on a personal camping trip with just me, Aly, hand er brother and guy friend to protect us! In 2 weeks! I'm stoked!!!!
11. Sleeping: I love sleep, we have a very close relationship! I can sleep until noon with no disturbance, and enjoy every minute of it. Its very relaxing. Sleep is beautiful, God gives rest to those He loves...He must love me a lot!
12. Shopping: I used to like this activity a lot more, but I still enjoy it every once in a while. I avoid the grocery stores like the plague now that I work at one. UGH. HATE THEM. I like clothes shopping though! Thats good times!
13. Watching Kids: okay. Now I know some of you are saying, what the heck is wrong with you?! I know its weird, a teenager that loves kids and working with them...but I do! All the kids at spanish church LOVE me and I have a special touch with them! I love them soooo much! Especially my girls! The worship leader's girls, the pastor's girls, and then these two 10 year olds Alice and Nebai...I love them so much! I watch the kids a lot at church and outside of church. I love it so much I would do it for free! =) one of my girls, Leah, asked me "Kasey are you leaving this church?" I said, "No Love, not anytime soon." And she was like, "Good, cause if you ever left that would definitely be the saddest day of my life!" =') I love them!!!!
Posted by Kasey at 12:25 AM 3 comments
Thoughts From My Restless Night...
Last night I was up until 5:00 am. No matter how hard I tried, I could not sleep, I could not find rest, it was nowhere in sight. It was in some place I couldn see. I was burdened and my heart was heavy. I couldnt stop thinking about my job. There is so much hatred from my coworkers toward my church, and they arent afraid to tell their opinions to my face. They are so harsh and very very low and rude. I don't understand why so many people hate my church, God's church- His body. Jesus said that "You will face persecution for my sake." Its not fun, but I cant explode or say things out of anger becasue then they will think even worse of New Life. I was like, "Okay, lets not turn this into a bash New Life session." and my manager Michelle was like, "Okay we'll just wait till' youre gone." This things were heavying my heart last night. I know God put me there to demonstrate His love and what New Lifer's are really life and the truth- but I just don't think I can do it anymore. The environment I work in is so negative, and I dont now how all the NLC haters ended up in one place, but I cant take being 1 out of like 2...maybe 3 Chrsitians in the whole store. I'm sick of it. I'm looking for a new job. I know I need a job so I can support myself, but I'm quitting this one as soon as I find another one. I cannot do it anymore. I asked God's permission in my desperate journalilng last night, tears on the pages, His permission to quit my job and for Him to help me find another. About an hour and a half later, He gave me His answer which was a clear Yes. I was estatic and was finally able to sleep. My heart is still hurting because of how lost and blinded these people are, and I wasnt able to do anything except live His love. I choose to live with a standard of holiness, and therefore I am a freak in their eyes. I dont really get it, but then again the world doesnt like what is different when it threatens their so called "fun and freedom". I did what I could, but I will soon be done with my job at Slaveway.
Posted by Kasey at 1:24 PM 1 comments
Spanish Love! =)
Ya know, I never really appreciated school when I was forced to go for 13 years of my life. I thought it was lame, until my last few years of high school. My sophomore year I met the most incredible woman I know, which is Ivette, my spanish teacher/pastor/mentor person. Lol. She's incredible and I'm her favorite student. Teehee. =) I loved my classes with her and she has taught me so much! Classes were so much fun, and so useful to my language skills. I've been going to her church for almost 3 years and that has helped me grow immensly in my spanish! She has taught me about life and godliness and living passionately for Christ. Her heart is huge. SHe makes me laugh and smile and makes me really happy when she calls me "Mami, Mamita, or Mama." lol. I'm not used to that, but I am now after being in the hispanic church for so long. It rubbed off and I now call my sisters, nieces, and friends "Mami" or little boys "Papi"...it freaks them out cause its totally a Hispano thing, they dont get it. I laugh. LOL. Well she left the school at the end of my junior year and that was depressing. I went from seeing her everyday, to only once a week...it was a weird transition. sad actually. Even though she isnt technically my teacher anymore, she still calls me Her Student and whenever I read for the group at Bible study she feels teh need to brag the I'm Her Student. It makes me happy. She believes in me when I dont believe in myself. She knows this heart and this skill that is inside of me, and forces it out of me and presses me onto what God has for me through it. She pushes me to study and develop my knowledge and to speak more often...cause she knows I'm insecure about it. =) Well I graduated in may and I was thrilled. But then I got to this time of year where all my friends were returning to school and I wasnt, that was weird, and I decided at teh last minute that I actually liked school and wanted to go back. Weird, I know. So I enrolled at the local community college. I took a placement test for spanish...which by the way my Ivette said to take SPA 3, and said I had what it takes to succeed. I took the test and tested out of all of the classes...even 4! Crazy! Coming from a girl that got a 2 on the AP exam! I was too smart for them and they werent gonna let me in a class!!! WOW! I was amazed! I finally convinced them to let me in, and I couldnt be more excited to start...I havent been in a real spanish class for 2 years. YAY! I'm so excited to start school! (except for the fact that my book costs 200 dollars!) AH! Its all thanks to Ivette (and my freshman teacher) that I am here today and discovered the gift God gave me in Spanish.
Posted by Kasey at 11:50 PM 1 comments
Friday Fill-Ins #85!
1. The last meal I had at a restaurant was Sesame Chicken and Fried Rice.
2. The smell of the seafood department in my store is something I intensely dislike.
3. The full moon makes me homesick.
4. No importa quien has sido cuando descubres quien eres is one of my favorite local expressions.
5. Sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut.
6. P.S. I Love You is the best movie I've seen so far this year!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching my future husband swim in the olympics, tomorrow my plans include work and sleep and Sunday, I want to go play softball at the safeway tournament to support MDA!
Posted by Kasey at 11:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday Thirteen ~ 1st Edition!
I'm new to the T13 community, so here goes the first one!!!
I have had a rough past couple weeks and this Lifehouse cd had totally put my life and feelings to music...exactly how I feel. They have always been one of my favorites, but right now they are my favorite band and I cant stop listening to it.
My 13 All-Time Favorite Lifehouse Songs:
1. You Say (this song isnt officially on an album, its on their demo. Its a song about having faith and trusting God even when you cant see where He is taking you.)
2. Revolution Cry (again only on the demo. Its about God's people rising up and there being a revolution on the earth that shakes the darkness and brings hope to all.)
3. Everything (this song is my heart's cry. God is All I want, All I need, and Everything!)
4. Breathing (this song brought me through a couple weeks where God felt so distant and no matter how hard I looked and fought, I couldnt see Him. It says, "Cause I am hanging on every word You say, even if You dont wanna speak to night, thats alright with me. Cause I want nothing more than to sit outside Heaven's door and listen to You breathing, its where I want to be." I just wanted to hear Him again.)
5. Somewhere In Between (My line: "Would you catch me if I fall out of what I fell in. Dont be surprised if I collapse down at Your feet again. I dont want to run away from this, I know that I just dont need this....Im somewhere in between what is real and just a dream." I was continuously falling down at His feet and just waiting.)
6. Quasimodo (My line: "There goes my pain, there goes my shame...did you see them falling because this feeling that has no meaning. There goes the world off of my back." I have always felt immense shame and guilt for the past, but God told me that I need to overcome by the word of my testimony...like in Revelation 12:11, and be free because of what He has done that erases my sin.)
7. Take Me Away (It says, "This time, All I want is You, there is no one else, that could take Your place. YOu see past all the rags, youve taken them away....Take me away! Take me away! Ive got nothing left to say, just take me away!" I want to be with God in the midst of everything and my heart is for HIm to Take me away! Take me away to be with Him!)
8. Broken (This song talks about the strength there is in being weak and broken before God. "Im falling apart, Im barely breathing. With a broken heart thats still beating, In the pain there is healing, In Your name I find meaning. So I'm holding on, barely holding onto You." I had a very weak moment about a week ago and I did something I regret. I was broken and I ran away instead of running to God. I long for brokenness and for Him to break me, to be weak so He can be strong. I'm holding onto Him.)
9. Storm (My life has been one big sorm. There is the calm moments, but there are other times where the rain and lightening is all I can see. IN this song it talks about God delivering you from the storm and bringing peace and calm to your heart. "If I could just see You, everything would be alright...And I will walk on water, and You will catch me if I fall. And I will get lost into Your eyes, I know eyerything will be alright.)
10. You And Me (This is typically used as a love song...but its my love song with my Jesus. "Cause its You and me, and all other people and I dont know why, but I cant keep my eyes off of You." I am locking eyes with God and I know that He never takes His eyes off of me, I cant look away, He's to beautiful, He has captivated me.)
11. Hanging By A Moment ("I'm falling even more in lov ewith You, letting go of all Ive held onto. I'm standing here until You make me move, I'm hanging by a moment here with You. I'm living for the only thing I know, I'm running and not quite sure where to go...there's noting else to lose, nothing else to find, nothing in the world that could change my mind, there is nothing else." There is nothing else but Him that matters. I'm chasing after Him, and falling deeper in love every second of it!)
12. Unknown ("I am falling into grace, to the unknown to where You are. And faith makes everybody scared, its the unknown, I dont know, that keeps me hanging on and onto You." I dont know where God is taking me, but I'm trusting Him and putting my life in His hands. The unknown scares me, but also makes me so excited!)
13. Simon (The whole song. I cant even say. "Refuse to feel anything at all, Refuse to slip, Refuse to fall. Can't be weak, Can't stand still, You watch your back 'cause no one will. You don't know why they had to go this far, Traded your worth for these scars, For your only company. And don't believe the lies That they have told to you. Not one word was true you're alright, you're alright, you're alright." The enemy was yelling his lies in my ears constantly, and I had my thoughts, and I had what my sisters were telling me, and what GOD was trying to say above all the voices. In the song Breathing it says, "Im trying to identify the voices inside my head, God which one is You?" God is defining my worth, He is telling me who I am. No one else can do that for me, not even myself...only the creator.)
Sorry it was so long, I'm a writer and you will learn that I write A LOT! It was pretty deep for my first one. Feel free to leave comments! =)
Posted by Kasey at 1:55 AM 2 comments
A Very Hard Week...=( -part one-
I am so happy that this week is finally over! It was one of the hardests that I have had in a long time. It started to suck last sunday, 8.3.08, at 1:00 inthe morning when I got a text from one of my very close friends. They were needing my to get ahold of Aly cause they needed to talk. I asked why....they wouldnt tell me at first, but I pryed and they opened up. (for privacy issues I am not going to use gender or name.) Turns out this friend of mine tried to kill themself that night. They said, "If it werent for a text message from this girl, you would have never heard my voice again." They were going and started to hang themself. I broke down completely, sending text after text to Aly...even though I knew she probably had her phone off and was sleeping since they were driving home from Alabama. It shook me up to the core, I was rocked by this happening, I guess because our relationship has been rocky and now that things are normal again...I'm scared of losing them again. I couldnt sleep, and was up really late fighting on my knees for this person, until finally I was emotionally exhausted and zonked out. The next day at work, I get a txt from this persons dad, and he wanted to talk to me. He wanted me to tell him my story and everything that was said the night before, and if I knew why my friend would want to do this. The conversation went okay, except for the part where I completely lost it. Just the thought of what went on and what could have happened made me sick and totally break down emotionally. I was a wreck for like 2 days. I spent the tuesday night with my friend, and all day on wednesday. I got to their house and tackled them, I was soooo happy to see my little friend...alive and well. =) That was one of the scariest things Ive ever been through, it was the second time theyve attempted since Ive known them, and harder than the first. They had talked about it, but I would have never thought that they would try it again. =( well all is okay now, my friend is going to be getting counseling and help so this wont happen again. I love this person with all I am...and dont know what I would do if anything happened. Please pray for the healing and the process that is unfolding.
Posted by Kasey at 11:57 PM 3 comments