
My Top 10 Favorite Jon Egan Songs...

I love the worship team at my church o so very much! Jon is the worship leader at the high school group, _Tag, and it is my personal belief that his songwriting skills are superior to the other members of the Desperation Band. So here are some of my all time favorite songs of his':

10.Endlessly (Album: Who You Are, My Savior Lives)
9. I'll Be O.K. (Album: From The Rooftops)
8. Holy Is The Lord (not on an album!)
7. Light Of Salvation (Album: Everyone Overcome)
6. Here In Your Presence (Album: My Savior Lives)
5. I Will Go (Album: Everyone Overcome)
4. My Savior Lives (ALbum: My Savior Lives)
3. Greater (Album: Counting On God)
2. I Am Free (Album: From The Rooftops, I Am Free)
1. Overcome! (album: Everyone Overcome)